The Reverend Allison Barrett

Loving the World with Words

Prayers, Rituals and Rites of Passage

“”There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.””

– Leonard Cohen (Anthem, 1992)

Life in the ministry is an invitation into the heart of what it means to be human. At times you are asked to try and find words for moments that are certainly beyond words, to craft rituals for unique as well as universal occasions and to offer prayers when hope seems far away and faith is hard to find.

In my time in ministry and in life, I have endeavoured to be a helping and healing presence in the lives of those living with mental and physical illnesses, life transitions including infertility, birth, adoption, child growth and development, LBGTQ2S+ identity and advocacy, pre-teen, teen, young adult, adult and senior issues, life partnering and healthy relationship building, marriage breakdown, separation, divorce, shared parenting and custody, miscarriage, stillbirth, suicide, murder, death, loss and bereavement at all ages and stages of life.

I am in awe of the strength and grace of those with whom I have walked during those moments and thank them for trusting me with their tenderest places.